Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Levi Swaddle and Baby Nico

The Levi Swaddle...

This past week, Levi has not been sleeping well at night, which has made him overtired and fussy during the day. He's pretty much been sleeping for 3 hours and then getting up every hour after that, which means Mommy is exhausted. And now on top of that, JB has to leave for 5 days, so no more help from him...ugh. I decided I had to figure out what brought on this change in behavior...and I remembered last week we stopped using his wedge (photo in 1 month post). We had been using this instead of a swaddle, so he would feel safe and secure in his bed. Well, now that he's outgrown it, he kicks his blanket off of his legs. I thought maybe this is the problem. So, the only thing I could think of to do then, was to do what I've been dreading all along...swaddle Levi. I know it's a proven method, I just hate the restriction, but I had to try something for the sake of getting some rest. 

That night I tried swaddling and it worked very well...he still woke up for feedings, but at good times, and he woke up the next morning cooing and laughing, so I guess it couldn't of been a dreadful night. The next night, I thought I'd start without it and see if it really was the swaddle. Well, that lasted a whole 10 minutes, so then I proceeded to swaddle him and to my surprise, he was happy about it. He slept great, but when he woke up for his 1:30 feeding, he had busted out of the swaddle. Uh oh. Then I decided to try to see if he could handle his hands being outside the swaddle. Again he slept well until 5:30, his usual wake up time.

Even though I don't like the idea of swaddling, I know Levi does and I think we found a way to keep both of us happy, by using the Levi Swaddle...

JB is going to pick up some more swaddles in the States and a Sleep Sack that will probably do the trick too. Glad to have my happy baby back!

Baby Nico...

My best friend Melissa had her first baby about a week ago. His name is Nico James Ammirati. I love that our little guys share the same middle name. He will be like a nephew to me and a cousin to Levi! He is such a cutie are some pics of him...

My favorite photo

Present from Aunt Tyra


Oh my gosh, Levi is getting so big!

I never liked the idea of swaddling either...I felt like Isla would get claustrophobic in there! ;) But I did use a sleep sack, and she slept great in those!

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