Friday, July 8, 2011

Only in Costa Rica, June ~ The Roads

I meant to post this a week ago as the first of my monthly "Only in Costa Rica" posts. Of course with traveling, visitors, and other silly excuses, it is not getting posted until now. So here you go:

We're not in Kansas anymore. So, not only is there no yellow brick road, there isn't even a cement or asphalt road. Well, there are a few, but the one from our house that goes for about 3 miles on the way to town is not paved. There has been talk about it getting paved for years now, but until that actually happens, their solution is to grade it about 4 times a year.

Well, these past 3 months, the road has been the nastiest I've ever seen it with tons of potholes. The worst part was the potholes right by a small bridge we need to cross.

Over the past few years, I've gotten use to the road(s) getting this way (yes, there's more like this one). But, now that I'm pregnant, it's been quite annoying because every time I go on it, I get nauseous. 

Finally, it got graded this past week. Here is what that process looks like, which is quite different than it would be in the States.

No, I'm not stopped, waiting for the bus to pass, we are coming right at each other.

You can see the ONE guy down there that is suppose to be directing traffic.
The rocks and mud got grounded up and then steam rolled back down. It's not the best solution in the world, but I'll take it, for now anyway.


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