Sunday, July 24, 2011

7th Inning Stretch

Dear Levi,

Well, lil monkey, we've made it 6 full months and 2 weeks...which means we are in the 7th inning (month) stretch! Someday I will take you to a baseball game (most likely the Cubs) and you will better understand this concept.  But, for now, trust me when I say we need to take a moment to stretch, relax, reflect on how far we've come, and prepare for the 2 1/2 months left together as one. 

We have a few more weeks before we have to go back to work...well, I do, and of course you will have to tag along. For you, this just means me moving around a lot (which you like), more noise (don't think you mind that either), and probably some people feeling my stomach, trying to feel your little movements. I actually think you will quite enjoy this, but for me, it means long days and using all the energy I have while being pregnant. But, I love my job and I am looking forward to seeing my students, who in the near future, you will get to meet.

We will only be working for about 4 weeks and then we get a week of some brief relaxing, with some last minute final touches on your room, and preparing for our big move to San Jose. You heard me right, we are going to move to another place, but only for a month where there is a great hospital where you can be born. It will be nice for mommy to rest and wait for when you are ready to make an appearance. I'd prefer a little earlier than later, just in case you were wondering. But either way, I just plan to read some books, work on my Spanish, and continue to dream about you.

So, let's make the best of these last few months we have together as one, because I have a feeling they will fly by fast.

Your Mommy


The last month seems to drag on cause you can't wait for the baby to be born. Hope you are feeling well! Get lots of rest while you can! :)

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