Thursday, December 29, 2011

Levi's Paradise

Paradise is a place in which existence is positive, harmonious and timeless.  

Now that Levi is learning how to touch, feel, and grab things, he is loving his little jungle play mat. I always joke that we live in paradise...well this is Levi's, just at a much smaller scale. He is so happy and talkative when playing in it and it seems like he enjoys being down there forever...until he realizes he's hungry and ready for a nap of course ;)

Here is a video clip of Levi playing in his paradise:

Monday, December 19, 2011

My Big, Little Levi...

After all that doctor talk in yesterday's post, I forgot to list Levi's measurements. And update you with a picture of him. I took some pics this morning while we were playing. I just couldn't decide which one to post, so I'm posting all of them ;)

  • Weight ~ 13 lbs, 11 oz
  • Length ~ 23 1/2 inches
  • Big Head ~ 16 inches (yikes!)
His weight and length are measuring in as a 3 month old and his head is weighing in as an Just kidding, but it is well above average. It probably just means he's going to be smart, like his mommy (just kidding, again ;). Full of laughs this morning...must mean Christmas is around the corner!


Sunday, December 18, 2011

Only in Costa Rica, November ~ Another Looong Trip

Remember my OiCR post for October?...about the 3 looong trips to Santa Cruz. Well, here's another good story...

Levi is due for his 2 month check up, but our pediatrician is in San Jose, 4 hours away. So, we decided to find someone else near us. I asked a friend who they use and they go to a doctor in Liberia, about an hour away. BUT, he doesn't speak English and I decided that I don't want anything lost in translation, in regards to Levi. So, I decided to look online and find a good medical clinic in Liberia. I called and asked if they have a pediatrician that speaks English and they do...great! I made the appointment and was excited to find someone that speaks English and lives close to us.

Well, again, just like my Santa Cruz trip, this was too good to be true. We get to the clinic at 4pm (30 minutes before our appointment, just in case) and after waiting about 30 minutes the doctor says he has to go help with a c-section delivery of twins at the hospital and he would be back in 20-30 minutes, which in Tico time is more like an hour. Well, there was also another family ahead of us, so when he returned an hour later, we still had to wait some more. Finally after a total wait period of 2 hours, we got in with the doctor. I had already given Levi his medicine because I knew he would be getting some shots. The doctor did all the routine things...weight, measurement, and checking for other healthy signs. Then he dropped it on us...he doesn't administer shots. What?!?!'re a pediatrician for crying out loud!...isn't there even a nurse that can do it?...No. We have to go to a pharmacy and a nurse there can do it. Well, after driving an hour and waiting 2 hours, the last thing we wanted to do now was go wait at a pharmacy for who knows how long. I guess we will just go to one back by our home in the next day or so.

Oh and by the way, the 15 minute appointment cost us $70...for something I could have done. Oh well, living and learning in CR...maybe that should be my blog title ;)

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Levi Swaddle and Baby Nico

The Levi Swaddle...

This past week, Levi has not been sleeping well at night, which has made him overtired and fussy during the day. He's pretty much been sleeping for 3 hours and then getting up every hour after that, which means Mommy is exhausted. And now on top of that, JB has to leave for 5 days, so no more help from him...ugh. I decided I had to figure out what brought on this change in behavior...and I remembered last week we stopped using his wedge (photo in 1 month post). We had been using this instead of a swaddle, so he would feel safe and secure in his bed. Well, now that he's outgrown it, he kicks his blanket off of his legs. I thought maybe this is the problem. So, the only thing I could think of to do then, was to do what I've been dreading all along...swaddle Levi. I know it's a proven method, I just hate the restriction, but I had to try something for the sake of getting some rest. 

That night I tried swaddling and it worked very well...he still woke up for feedings, but at good times, and he woke up the next morning cooing and laughing, so I guess it couldn't of been a dreadful night. The next night, I thought I'd start without it and see if it really was the swaddle. Well, that lasted a whole 10 minutes, so then I proceeded to swaddle him and to my surprise, he was happy about it. He slept great, but when he woke up for his 1:30 feeding, he had busted out of the swaddle. Uh oh. Then I decided to try to see if he could handle his hands being outside the swaddle. Again he slept well until 5:30, his usual wake up time.

Even though I don't like the idea of swaddling, I know Levi does and I think we found a way to keep both of us happy, by using the Levi Swaddle...

JB is going to pick up some more swaddles in the States and a Sleep Sack that will probably do the trick too. Glad to have my happy baby back!

Baby Nico...

My best friend Melissa had her first baby about a week ago. His name is Nico James Ammirati. I love that our little guys share the same middle name. He will be like a nephew to me and a cousin to Levi! He is such a cutie are some pics of him...

My favorite photo

Present from Aunt Tyra

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Well, a few words...

From the front

From the back

...Life is good.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

A Happy Thanksgiving

We were extra thankful this Thanksgiving because we got to share it with our precious little Levi. I thank God all the time for blessing us with a happy and healthy child. We were also fortunate enough to have a visitor this year...Grandma Bauer. She flew down to meet her new grandson and teach me how to make all the delicious food for our Thanksgiving dinner.

Here are some pictures from our day together: (and I apologize in advance to my fellow Bears fans for the Cowboy gear...I can only win so many battles ;)

Heritage Turkey ~ Very yummy!

I hope all of our friends and family back in the States had a Happy Thanksgiving too!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Old photo, but precious nonetheless.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Payback is a B&#%$

In general, I think my mom said I was a pretty good kid. She said I would get into things, but once she said no, I'd never do it again. However, this one time...

My mom was all dressed for work in a nice white blouse and I was in my highchair finishing up my breakfast. She came over to get me out of my chair and I had peanut butter all over my hands. She told me to be good and do not touch her shirt. So what did I do?...I took both my hands and grabbed her arm and twisted my hands, getting PB all over her, with a BIG smile on my face. I of course don't remember, but it doesn't surprise me that I would do something like this...I do like to cause trouble sometimes.

So far, Levi is really good...takes good day naps and only wakes up 2 or 3 times at night to eat and then goes right back to sleep, which makes Mommy very happy. He also only cries when he's hungry. But, he does have a little Mommy in him...

Levi has this thing that sometimes when he is put on his changing table, that's when he decides to crap his pants. It took several diaper changes for mommy to learn this. I foolishly assumed that if his pants already had poop in them, then he was ready for a change. Well, apparently that's not the case. After being pooped on 6 times and peed on 5 times, I've learned to lay him on the changing table and let him do his thing for 10 minutes or so. But, still, I don't always get it right and he gets me...and lately with a smile on his face. Oh well, I keep telling myself maybe this means potty training will be easier because he obviously knows when he has to go potty.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Happy One Month

As of yesterday, Levi is officially one month old. To prove to everyone that he is getting big, he sat up in his Bumbo seat for the first time on his own.

Here were a few of his favorite things this month: 
1. Positioner/Wedge ~ We use this in his bed instead of swaddling. It gives us piece of mind that he is not rolling around (even though I know he's too young right now) and that he is safe and secure at night.

2. Boppy Pillow ~ We use this when he is out in the living room with us and he wants to look around or take a nap.

3. Changing table ~ Weird, I know, but I have a whole post coming about his changing table behavior.

4. Rocking ~ Surprise, surprise. He definitely is a Bauer because he loves to rock with Daddy, and now is starting to enjoy his own swing.

5. Bath Time ~ He is still enjoying his bath time, which makes mommy happy.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Only in Costa Rica, October ~ 3rd Times a Charm

It is commonly known that trying to get anything done in CR is not easy or fast and never gets done on time. Your patience will be tested here and mine were in the following story:

Preface ~ Since I am on maternity leave, half of my paycheck each month is paid by the government and I have to go to Santa Cruz to pick it up. It usually takes about 30 minutes to get to SC, but since the road is REALLY bad (full of potholes), I have to add 15 minutes. And since they are doing construction, I have to add another 15 minutes. Therefore, it takes me about an hour each way (keep this in mind). Oh, also, I have to communicate everything in Spanish, which should be easy for me by now, but I'm still learning, so this makes the following story even more interesting.

Day 1 ~ I headed out to SC last Friday at 9:00am to pick up my paycheck. I prepared myself for a semi-long trip because I know things are slower here. I located the correct building fairly easy and headed inside with a positive attitude. There wasn't a very long line at all...surprising for a public facility. The lady was very nice and started on my paperwork right far looking good. She got all the paperwork ready, but she realized that someone put in the computer that I was on sick leave and not maternity leave. So, this should be an easy fix, right?....oh no, not here. She sends me next door to another office to see Marvin, so he can fix it in the computer. There was one person before me and it took Marvin 30 minutes to help him...I'm still calm. Finally, when Marvin got to me, he realized he needed to have a doctor approve the maternity leave, but since it was already 11am, the doctor was on lunch break and then Marvin would go on his at 12pm, so I had to come back at 1pm...really?!, ugh. *Side note: Everyone gets an hour lunch here and some offices/stores close down during this time, crazy I know. So, JB and I grab some lunch and shop a bit. We return at 1pm and I check in to see if they can fix my paperwork now. Well, of course not, the doctor is in a meeting and the office closes at 2pm, so I will have to come back on Monday. I headed back to the car to tell JB and I started crying because of my frustration and wasted time away from's the hormones. He was very sweet and said it'll be okay, these things happen...he made me feel better. So, we headed back home. (5 hour trip, no money)

Day 2 ~ I headed out to SC on Monday at 8am, but this time without JB. He stayed home with Levi since my mom already went back home. I went back to Marvin's office and he remembered me and got the paperwork done in 15 minutes...yay, progress! Then I headed back next door to get my money. The same lady waited on me, and again, was very nice. However, she said they couldn't pay me until 1pm (mas o menos: more or less, you get this a lot) because either they didn't have enough money then or they didn't have any at was in Spanish, so I couldn't decipher between the two, either way, no money yet. So, I went shopping again and grabbed some lunch, again. This time, the lady had my phone number and said she would call when the money arrived. I was just finishing up my lunch when she called and I got all excited since it was only 11:30pm. But, of course it was more bad news. She said the money wouldn't be there until tomorrow...of course it won't be. So, I headed back home. (5 hour trip, no money) 

Day 3 ~ I headed out to SC on Tuesday afternoon at 12:30pm because the lady called and said the money was there. As I walked out the door, JB said to remember to be patient and not expect my money to be my head I was thinking it better be or I'm going to lose it, I'm so sick of driving to and from SC on the crappy road!!! I got there and the lady that was waiting on me before was not there, so I got a bad feeling in my stomach. I was directed to another lady and had to wait 30 minutes. She checked my information and then directed me to another lady. This lady FINALLY was able to pay me...YAY! Oh, but it's not over. She paid me $2100, half in $10 bills and the other half in $2 bills (well, colones equivalent to those bills). I walked out of there looking like I robbed a bank. At least she gave me more than one months pay, so I don't have to return until January...thank goodness. (3 hour trip, got my money)

Well, that's my story. I definitely have become a patient person since moving to CR, but this time, I think it was a bit ridiculous. So, next time you think you have slow service in the States, think again ;)

*Sorry, there's no OiCR for September, I was a little preoccupied getting ready for Levi ;)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

1st Photo Shoot

We wanted some photos with Levi in the first month. Our friend, Lizzie came over and did a photo shoot for us. I think she did a wonderful job, and the photos turned out great! Here are a few...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

My friend, Jackie, has a blog and does Wordless Wednesday. I'm stealing the idea because sometimes I don't have anything to say, just a precious moment to share. (I hope you don't mind Jackie :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Pleasantly Surprised

My mom gave Levi his first "bathtub" bath today. I thought for sure he wouldn't like it, but I was pleasantly surprised. He quite enjoyed it....especially since he was already a little fussy when we put him in. I hope he continues to like bath time and this wasn't just a fluke.

Oh and some more HANDsome pictures...
Such a thinker

Raising his hand...ready for school!

Hmmm...not quite sure where he learned this gesture from?!

Friday, October 14, 2011


Levi loves using his hands for anything and everything. In these pictures he is showing a little bit of attitude, which he probably gets from both of us.

Like his Mommy...
Exhausted from eating too much at his last meal

Thinking about his next meal
 Like his Daddy...
Enough with the pictures already

Friday, October 7, 2011


Levi's finally here!  What a blessing he is for us...words cannot explain.

I've been anxiously awaiting his arrival for so long and spent many hours preparing for him: reading several baby books, reading everything on, googling questions I had, and asking my friends that are mothers many questions....BUT now that he is here, I have discovered he is not a research paper. Being a mother is an experience, not something you can completely prepare for by reading a bunch of stuff, and is definitely unique to each mother. Now, on Day 3, I can say: Wow this is crazy! So many highs and lows because, as some of you may know, I can be a bit of a perfectionist and if I don't get something exactly right, I get frustrated and discouraged. I am learning to take motherhood day by day. I'm noticing I get very excited when something I do works out right and was even easier than I thought...and then there are those moments when I feel like I know what to do, but just can't seem to get it right...and of course those moments when I'm clueless and need to call a friend or my mom for help. JB has been great helping with Levi...he's an amazing father already! So glad he's my partner in this process...he's even given me a high five when things went smoothly for about three hours one night;) The three of us make a great team...and we will get stronger each day.

I will keep you all posted as we progress through this process. Here are some cute pics of the little monkey.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Levi's Room, Part 1

The reason it's taken so long for this post is because Levi's room is not quite finished yet and I didn't want to post any pics until it was, but I can't keep you all in suspense any longer. The theme of the room was inspired by things found in Costa Rica, so it's filled with bright colors, monkeys, turtles, and surfing. So, here is what it looks like so far...
Yes, that's a monkey chillin' in a hammock from the curtain rod

I had the curtains handmade

Changing table and dresser in one

Night light

Hand painted letters by my friend

As you can see from the last picture, the main wall is bare. My friend Lizzie, that painted Levi's letters, is still working on three paintings for that wall. There is also another wall that will have bookshelves on it and a poster, but those aren't up yet will have to wait for part 2, when it's all complete.

And for those of you who are wondering where the crib is, there isn't one. We opted for just having a pack 'n play which is more practical in CR. Oh and the surfboard in the corner is a Robert August surfboard given to JB by Robert August himself, so it's a very special touch.

I can't wait to get the last few things finished for his room, so it will be perfect for my 'lil monkey.