My mom was all dressed for work in a nice white blouse and I was in my highchair finishing up my breakfast. She came over to get me out of my chair and I had peanut butter all over my hands. She told me to be good and do not touch her shirt. So what did I do?...I took both my hands and grabbed her arm and twisted my hands, getting PB all over her, with a BIG smile on my face. I of course don't remember, but it doesn't surprise me that I would do something like this...I do like to cause trouble sometimes.
So far, Levi is really good...takes good day naps and only wakes up 2 or 3 times at night to eat and then goes right back to sleep, which makes Mommy very happy. He also only cries when he's hungry. But, he does have a little Mommy in him...
Levi has this thing that sometimes when he is put on his changing table, that's when he decides to crap his pants. It took several diaper changes for mommy to learn this. I foolishly assumed that if his pants already had poop in them, then he was ready for a change. Well, apparently that's not the case. After being pooped on 6 times and peed on 5 times, I've learned to lay him on the changing table and let him do his thing for 10 minutes or so. But, still, I don't always get it right and he gets me...and lately with a smile on his face. Oh well, I keep telling myself maybe this means potty training will be easier because he obviously knows when he has to go potty.
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