Friday, March 22, 2013

Levi's First Time Golfing

Even though JB and I both golf, we've always wondered how our children will do....if they will like it or have any athletic ability.  Not that it will matter either way, but it does give us something to look forward too ;)  We have been practicing with Levi at home on how to hit the ball, but this video shows him on the golf course for the first time!  I was very impressed and a proud Mom!!!

As you can see we still have some technique skills to work on, but in general, I think he is getting the hang of it ;)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Gatherer

This is probably my favorite video of Levi....

And yes, those are adult diapers. They were from when I had him, but I guess I didn't store them away properly. He does this "gathering thing" with all sorts of items: food, toys, balls, blankets, etc. Maybe this will mean he will be a good cleaner when he gets older?!?!