Friday, July 29, 2011

So Worth It...

I promised myself when I started this blog that I would keep the posts fairly short, for those of you with short attention spans, so I apologize for this semi-long post.

Since moving to Costa Rica, JB and I have realized a few things about food: 1 - American food here is expensive (can of soup $7) and 2 - most American food is processed and therefore not good for you anyway. As a result, we have decided to adjust our eating habits, so we eat healthier and more affordable. Now, I'm not saying we are perfect and never have snacks (cheez-its, oreos, etc.), because we do. But, the main thing we have changed, is anything that contains fruits or vegetables we try to make from scratch (ex: most meals, soups, applesauce, fruit popsicles). Unlike the States, fruits and vegetables here are very affordable and there are plenty of local markets open year round.

One of our favorite healthy recipes is homemade salsa. Most people here make fresh salsa, but I don't want to chop up a bunch of stuff every time I have a taste for some, plus I prefer restaurant style (or the kind that looks like it's from a jar). I was given a great recipe from a friend that requires you to cook the salsa, which makes it very easy to freeze and save for later.

Now, the main reason I am blogging about this is because I have been encouraging my mom to make this salsa for awhile and when she finally did, she (someone who doesn't like to cook) thought it took a little long, considering it is easy to just buy a jar at the store. I reminded her that it's soooo much healthier this way, and I really didn't think it took that long to make. I told her the next time I made it, I would time myself to prove it. 

Well, we just used our last bag of salsa yesterday. Knowing we were running out, I already had the ingredients on hand and so I decided to make it today. And the winner mom! She is right it does take a bit of time (almost 2 hours, not including the cook time) to make the salsa. But, trust me, it is SO WORTH IT. 

I love it for the following reasons:
  • tastes fresh (I guess that's because it is)
  • it's healthy
  • I can use it in other recipes
  • it lasts us at least 2 months
  • and most importantly, it's ready whenever JB and I want some
Okay, enough writing, time for the pics and the recipe, for those inquisitive minds. Oh and by the way, I am a messy cook.

Salsa Recipe (I have tweaked it a little from the original one given to me):

8 cups coarsely chopped tomatoes
2 cups chopped sweet peppers (I use red and green peppers)
2 cups chopped onions
6-8 garlic cloves, minced
1 small can tomato paste
2 tsp paprika
1 1/4 cups vinegar
2 Tb sugar
1 Tb salt
1 tsp oregano
1/4 to 1/2 lb diced jalepenos
* 1/4 chopped cilantro (I don't usually add this)

Put all ingredients in a large pot, except cilantro. Cover and bring to a boil and then reduce to a simmer. Simmer for 1 hour, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and add cilantro (I recommend only adding it to the one you won't be freezing).

I hope some of you get a chance to use this recipe!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

7th Inning Stretch

Dear Levi,

Well, lil monkey, we've made it 6 full months and 2 weeks...which means we are in the 7th inning (month) stretch! Someday I will take you to a baseball game (most likely the Cubs) and you will better understand this concept.  But, for now, trust me when I say we need to take a moment to stretch, relax, reflect on how far we've come, and prepare for the 2 1/2 months left together as one. 

We have a few more weeks before we have to go back to work...well, I do, and of course you will have to tag along. For you, this just means me moving around a lot (which you like), more noise (don't think you mind that either), and probably some people feeling my stomach, trying to feel your little movements. I actually think you will quite enjoy this, but for me, it means long days and using all the energy I have while being pregnant. But, I love my job and I am looking forward to seeing my students, who in the near future, you will get to meet.

We will only be working for about 4 weeks and then we get a week of some brief relaxing, with some last minute final touches on your room, and preparing for our big move to San Jose. You heard me right, we are going to move to another place, but only for a month where there is a great hospital where you can be born. It will be nice for mommy to rest and wait for when you are ready to make an appearance. I'd prefer a little earlier than later, just in case you were wondering. But either way, I just plan to read some books, work on my Spanish, and continue to dream about you.

So, let's make the best of these last few months we have together as one, because I have a feeling they will fly by fast.

Your Mommy

Friday, July 22, 2011

CR Through Someone Else's Lens...

A couple of weeks ago JB's high school friends visited us. We had a blast and they took tons of pictures of everything they saw and did here. Sometimes it's nice to look through a tourist's lens, as they have a good eye for capturing everything unique and beautiful. These pictures have helped me realize that I may take some things for granted because they're part of my everyday life.

Please enjoy a few of their pictures. It was difficult to only choose 15 pictures, as I had over 200 to choose from, but I think these show a little bit of this and a little bit of that...

I think someone hit a little too much club ;)

A rooster fish...very rare to catch
Lounging at the hotel

Washing off the mud from ATVing

A view of Tamarindo from the boat

The boat that took us to dinner one night (it's no yacht)

All of us minus 2 (the photographer and his girlfriend, below)
Thanks, Ryan, for the photos. 

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Lions, and Tigers, and Bears! Oh My!

I'm not sure what's going on with me and the Wizard of Oz phrases, but it's fitting, so I'm going with it.

While I was back in Chicago (a month ago, I know, this post is late), I took my favorite toddler out for some fun...

Watching the Dolphin Show
He had to stop and play at the park

This is Shamus, my nephew and Godson. I wanted to do something special with him while I visited because this will be my last visit to Chicago for at least a year. He loved seeing all the animals, especially the giraffes.  

Oh and here is one other place we visited...

Don't worry Aunt Tyra didn't do anything wrong. I had to get a background check in order to become a resident of Costa Rica, so Shamus came with me to the police station. He got to go in the police car and push some buttons, which he thought was pretty cool.

I will miss Shamus very much! But, we do Skype every week, so he keeps me updated on what he's been up to and what he's learning. And he always asks if the baby is out of my belly yet :) I guess he's excited for Levi too!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Only in Costa Rica, June ~ The Roads

I meant to post this a week ago as the first of my monthly "Only in Costa Rica" posts. Of course with traveling, visitors, and other silly excuses, it is not getting posted until now. So here you go:

We're not in Kansas anymore. So, not only is there no yellow brick road, there isn't even a cement or asphalt road. Well, there are a few, but the one from our house that goes for about 3 miles on the way to town is not paved. There has been talk about it getting paved for years now, but until that actually happens, their solution is to grade it about 4 times a year.

Well, these past 3 months, the road has been the nastiest I've ever seen it with tons of potholes. The worst part was the potholes right by a small bridge we need to cross.

Over the past few years, I've gotten use to the road(s) getting this way (yes, there's more like this one). But, now that I'm pregnant, it's been quite annoying because every time I go on it, I get nauseous. 

Finally, it got graded this past week. Here is what that process looks like, which is quite different than it would be in the States.

No, I'm not stopped, waiting for the bus to pass, we are coming right at each other.

You can see the ONE guy down there that is suppose to be directing traffic.
The rocks and mud got grounded up and then steam rolled back down. It's not the best solution in the world, but I'll take it, for now anyway.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Baby Shower ~ Numero Dos

The Lovely Hosts: Lex & Susanne
I have been in Costa Rica for for almost 3 years now and have made some wonderful friends. They are all so excited for JB and I to have our first baby here. It is great to know we have such a good support system here because being away from family can be tough at times. I am thankful God has put such amazing people in my life.

Here are some highlights from the shower:
Damien is checking out his future buddy's gifts.