I didn't like the idea of calling our baby "it" when we talked about him/her. So, JB suggested we use the nickname 'lil monkey until we found out if it was a boy or girl. My mom even bought 'lil monkey an outfit when she found out our nickname.
Well, the nickname didn't last long because we have found out the sex of the baby today. Our doctor gave us the option to have an ultrasound to see if we could see the sex, but only if our 'lil monkey would cooperate. She said to look for either a turtle or a hamburger bun. Once 'lil monkey got in a good position for viewing, she froze the screen and asked us what we thought. I couldn't tell, but JB knew and he said "it's a turtle". Which for those of you who still don't know what that means ~ we are having a BOY!...so now we can call our 'lil monkey ~ him. Although, I still use 'lil monkey sometimes.